
Yes, GO MOMMY® can be used both as a precautionary measure during pregnancy and after delivery. For use during pregnancy, we recommend that it be used 2 weeks before delivery, starting with 1-2 hours a day and increasingly. After birth, it should be worn day and night, for as long as possible.
We do not recommend using any cream with GO MOMMY®; this may reduce the effectiveness of the product.
Yes, it can. In this case, after placing the caps on your nipple, you can wear the bra in which you placed the breast pad.
You do not need to wash the product when you start using it for the first time. Once a month, mix baking soda (baking soda) with a small amount of water to make a paste and rub the lids with this paste. Rinse with plenty of water and dry. Be sure to dry thoroughly after each wash. Do not use disinfectants or detergents. Do not boil. Silver has the feature of self-disinfecting, so there is no need to wash the covers frequently for hygiene purposes. If the milk residues that accumulate in the covers cause discomfort, you can simply rinse them with water, dry and reattach.
No, you do not need to wash your nipples before breastfeeding. However, if you think your baby is bothered by the smell of milk residue, you can gently wash the nipples without irritating them.
No, do not wash your lids in the dishwasher.
No, disinfectants will reduce the effectiveness of silver.
The product does not have a lifespan. You can use the same product with your other children.
No, GO MOMMY® is nickel free.

Silver Breast Cups

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Generations...